AZ528 WiFi

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AZ528 WiFi

Post by wimberley700 »

Hello, the AZ528 camera was provided to me, but I had no idea how to set it up for Wi-Fi. The SSID is Az528_ec0f yet the WPA2 PSK is 1479PZES. When you click on the Wi-Fi icon, the message "Setting pre-connected device for serial number" appears. It is possible to modify or reverse the password. establishing WiFi Connect to the camera if you wish to leave the room. The camera was returned because there was no resolution. Thoughts? To access, click this link.
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Joined: Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:05 am

Re: AZ528 WiFi

Post by vladesch »

You should find this reply useful:

There are different versions of the firmware for the az528.
One of them lets you select between settings, station and AP mode when you select wifi.
The other (earlier version I think) goes straight into AP mode and waits for you to connect your phone to the camera. In this case the camera is acting the same as a wifi router. This is obviously the version that you have.

So what you need to do is connect to a wifi network (the camera) on your phone using the ssid and password that is shown. Then you can access the camera using the software available for either android or iphone.

This earlier version I think does not have "station" mode where you can connect the camera to your router. You can possibly fix this by installing a later version of the firmware for the camera, but I'm not sure that later versions of the firmware are necessarily compatible, so there is a risk of bricking your camera. (I expect they would work though)

You can see what version of the firmware you are currently running on in file options. (search for it in the manual. It is buried down a couple of layers). This is where you get the option to upgrade the firmware too.
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