AZ652 Astronography camera

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AZ652 Astronography camera

Post by williamsonparker289 »

The moon is beautifully captured in my zoom photos of the moon. Due to this, I have difficulty photographing stars, meteors, and the Milky Way; they appear like fuzzy dots. After pressing the shutter on a tripod with a timer, I'm using F/2.9, ISO1600 or 3200, and my tripod is set to manual settings. Can you tell me why the camera doesn't focus on stars?
Using infinity focus and manual settings, I captured some great photos of stars and meteor showers with the Kodak EasyShare Z990. It's puzzling to me that I can't do the same thing with the AZ652.
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I would appreciate any tips you can provide regarding specific manual settings.
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Re: AZ652 Astronography camera

Post by thames54321 »

Using infinity focus and manual settings, I captured some great photos of stars and meteor showers with the Kodak EasyShare Z990. It's puzzling to me that I can't do the same thing with the AZ652. ... ne-safari/
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Re: AZ652 Astronography camera

Post by Bilalsheikh4 »

After capturing photo on this camera, I use <a href="">Lightroom old version</a> to enhance results
jbh iaswWE
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Re: AZ652 Astronography camera

Post by jbh iaswWE »

Nice Info ....You can get Further Info. for Users about using Camera for effective ways with InstaproApk through this article>
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